neXService: the Next Generation of Self-Service Kiosks True to its name, the neXService Series takes self-service kiosks to the next level of excellence. With your choice among 15.6- (neXService-1600), 21.5-inch (neXService-2...
The Perfect Robot and Machine Companion: the RCB Series Emphasizing scalability and segmentation, NexCOBOT brings you the RCB Series, a series of embedded boards specifically focused on robotic and machine control and data col...
November 26, 2020
The NDiS B116 Makes Digital Signage Simply Efficient For the ARM-based system enthusiast looking for a simple digital signage player, NEXCOM offers the NDiS B116, perfect for a variety of purposes, both indoor and outdoor. ...
November 17, 2020
Discover the Practicality of NEXCOM’s X314 Embedded Board For compact spaces, the best things come in small packages. Introducing the X314, a 3.5” single board computer that supports multiple specifications (mini-PCIe, m.2, SATA...
Touching New Limits with NEXCOM’s XPPC Touch Computers Thinner, lighter, better: the XPPC xx-100 series takes touch computers to new levels of utility and versatility. Powered by Intel® Apollo Lake J3455 processors, the compu...
November 05, 2020
More, More, More! Meet the nROK 7252 Railway Computer You wanted more options, we delivered! In maximizing your valuable investments, our newest nROK 7252 railway computers bring you a greater variety of storage bays and pow...