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May 09, 2017

NEXCOM Digital Signage Player Captivates Customers Facilitating Self-Shopping

NEXCOM Digital Signage Player Captivates
Customers Facilitating Self-Shopping

Shopper expectations are evolving and they want their needs met faster than retailers are innovating. With the objective of facilitating the checkout process while providing a pleasant experience for their customers, a supermarket chain decided to implement self-scanning and checkout service as an alternative to the traditional cashier-staffed checkout. In order to deliver a digital self-shopping journey that captivates their customers, the supermarket chain relied on NEXCOM’s digital signage players.


Customers will find themselves immersed in a new shopping experience. Installed in the kiosk stand located at the entrance, the digital signage player reads membership cards to assign and unlock one portable scanner from the dock stand set up aside. They can now freely move around the shelves self-scanning barcodes of the groceries they want to buy. After they pick all the desired items, a checkout barcode at the point of payment can help upload the shopping list from the scanner to the self-checkout kiosk which accepts payments with contactless smart cards or credit cards and prints a detailed receipt when the process is completed.


NEXCOM Digital Signage Player Captivates
Customers Facilitating Self-Shopping


This complete digital shopping experience was especially helpful to improve checkout lines and waiting time, optimizing checkout space. NEXCOM digital signage players unveil extended valuable features for retailers. They create profiles by keeping a record of members and products to further develop new campaigns such as customized vouchers. Kiosks can be connected to a secondary screen to display promotions based on a certain member profile for a more personalized service.


Application Diagram

NEXCOM Digital Signage Player Captivates
Customers Facilitating Self-Shopping

Key Features For Application Needs

Digital Signage Player - NDiSB325
  • Intel® Core™ i3-6100U processor for interactive self-ordering
  • Dual HDMI ports supporting 4K resolution for amazing visuals
  • Rich I/O interfaces for ease of system integration
  • Support -20°C to 50°C for embedded kiosk enclosure
  • Fanless design for noise-free operation
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