At InnoTrans 2012 NEXCOM caught the customer's imagination with a range of solutions for transportation computer, mobile data terminal, and in-vehicle computer. Visitors were highly interested in NEXCOM's range of computing systems which were able to deliver infotainment, surveillance and friendly HMI functions. In addition, the EN50155 certification is specifically emphasized.
The transportation computer nROK series got lots of attention because of its rock-solid appearance and functionality.
nROK 3000 certified with EN50155 is designed for isolated DC input protection to ensure stable operation. The innovative design which incorporates I/O alignment, configuration options, swappable storage and IP65 protection, makes system management simple. It is applied to rapid transit system, metropolitan rail, commuter rail, high speed rail, tram, and heavy rail. These all make the best use of nROK 3000.
Visitors were also excited to see the mobile data terminal VTC 7110 for its prominent computing and graphics capabilities, it offers dual LAN ports for redundancy, two high speed interface for storage, 2.5" SATA and CFast. The flexible design makes cleaver use of space to extend the required features for application such as 8-channel PoE with second storage interface.
For the cost an effective solution for in-vehicle computer visitors found the VTC 100. A best choice for its compact rugged computer box with the use ultra-low voltage 600MHz ARM-based processor is designed for the transportation segment. With fanless design, and a wide temperature operating temperature, the VTC 100 is suitable for use in extreme environments with 5G vibration protection. VTC 100 with built-in GPS receiver with a variety options for WWAN & wireless, and it provides multiple standard I / O ports allowing connectivity with a variety of peripherals. More features required for in-vehicle operations, seeking as power ignition delay control and low power protection.
To learn more about the transportation computer, mobile data terminal, and in-vehicle computer, please visit