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May 13, 2019

Driving Digital Transformation with NEXCOM TCA5170 and ADVA Ensemble Connector

Digital transformation through NFV (Network Function Virtualization) and SDN (Software Defined Networking) is anticipated to play an important role in 5G networks.  As the network industry accelerates to deliver the next wave of infrastructure transformation, open-source (i.e. OPNFV, OSM, ONAP, ODL, ONOS, OpenStack etc.) work projects and standardization bodies (i.e. IEEE,3GPP, MEF, ONF, MEC, NGMN, ETSI NFV, etc.)work together to  develop open and flexible 5G capabilities that deliver network slicing and ensure  ultra-low latency, ultra-high capacity, scalability and flexibility.


Driving Digital Transformation with NEXCOM TCA5170 and ADVA Ensemble Connector


Both NFV and SDN as the key enablers of the 5G slices and provide the ingredients required in the network architecture, design, operation and management.  As the NFV and SDN are embedded in the 5G shared environment to boast cloud-native access, transport, core networks and edge-to-edge, running on uCPE with multiple VNFs (Virtual Network Functions).


ADVA is playing a leading role in NFV and SDN for 5G evolution with its Ensemble Connector, running on a white-box uCPE hardware at the edge network.  ADVA expertise in distributed edge virtualization to make a reliable economical network with open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and VNFs.  NEXCOM is partnering with ADVA Ensemble to develop on-demand NFV & SDN ready uCPE for PaaS (Platform as a Service) deployments.  The collaboration simplifies the virtualization landscape to monetize NFV & SDN at scale.


NEXCOM's TCA 5170 based on ADVA Esemble Connector, is a white-box disaggregation hardware that will be  verified as an Intel® Select Solutions for uCPE on a fully integrated solution.  TCA 5170 supports Intel® Xeon® D processors up to 18-cores and a maximum of 512 GB memory size capacity. It is able to support multiple VNFs in place of single-function machines. The expandable network interfaces offer a wide range of flexibility to adapt to different connection speed, i.e. 1G/10G/25G/40G/100G connection speed.  The Intel® Xeon® D-2100 at the core of the TCA 5170 support Intel® Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel® AVX-512), Intel® Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (Intel® AES-NI), and Intel® QuickAssist Technology (Intel® QAT).


The TCA 5170 is being showcased at the Big5G event (May 6-8’2019 at Denver, CO).  To book a meeting, please contact us at sales@nexcom.com.

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