SuperCap BBU for In-Vehicle/Railway Application
  • Main Feature
  • SuperCap BBU for in-vehicle/Railway application
  • High power density EDLC (Electric Double Layer Capacitor) technology
  • Over 500,000 cycle life (charging/discharging)
  • Operating Temperature: -35~80°C
  • SDK for software development
  • RS232 for communication
  • Max. expansion 1 x master + 3 x slave
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The VTK-SCAP is a high-performance rechargeable BBU designed for NEXCOM vehicle and railway computers. It offers uninterrupted power and a sophisticated power management system. With enhanced charge/discharge efficiency and an RS232 interface for status monitoring, VTK-SCAP provides reliable backup power. It can deliver a maximum output power of 200W. In expansion mode (1 x VTK-SCAP-M + 3 x VTK-SCAP-S), VTK-SCAP can support a 60W system for up to 6 minutes. Leveraging supercapacitor technology, VTK-SCAP is suitable for extreme environments, operating reliably from -35°C to 80°C.

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