Serial to LoRa Wireless Adaptor
  • Main Feature
  • Serial to LoRa convertor
  • Easy to setup and maintain
  • Long distance ( up to 2,000 meters )
  • Up to 255 Bytes per packet
  • Receiving sensitivity: -137 dBm
  • 5~24V & 5V Micro USB power supply (alternative)
  • Broadcast mode (no pairing required)
  • Secured AES encryption in wireless communication
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Cable deployment is always costly for deployment and maintenance. Longer distance introduces much higher overall cost. ELA-MA is a reliable and cost effect solution to cable replacement in RS232/485 transmission. ELA-MA can achieve very good wireless performance in 2 Km distance with 90% successful transmission rate. For data transmission, ELA-MA uses LoRa 862~932 MHz to convert RS232/485 serial data among devices with LoRa wireless technology. ELA-MA is designed for easy setup and maintenance. Multi-end points can form a broadcast network, with the same frequency and encryption the end points can communicate without pairing in advance. Thus, effectively reduce the effort in deployment and maintenance.

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