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Medical & Healthcare Informatics

Toward a better world of connected things, NEXCOM Medical & Healthcare Informatics (MHI) Business Unit aims at developing total solutions for vertical IoT applications and medical informatics applications in the health sector. The business unit offers one-stop services covering hardware, software, and integration service.


Video Conference System
  • Designed to meet different meeting demands, NEXCOM develops a series of video conferencing systems to host multiple group meeting of all sizes at the same time. Perfectly compatible with ToGazer, NEXCOM’s WebRTC-based video conferencing tool, NEXCOM’s video conferencing systems can be used for interactive distance learning, family reunion, customer service, community interaction, and more.

Software Package
  • To expedite IoT innovations, NEXCOM adopts the principles of the sharing economy by making relevant software tools freely available to download through an open developer platform and online marketplace backed by a complete supply chain. Developers and makers alike can tap into a pool of collective wisdom and expertise to further accelerate IoT growth. To download free software or exchange knowledge and ideas, please visit www.alliotcloud.com. For the rapid implementation of total IoT solutions with reduced development efforts, please contact NEXCOM for the professional versions of software tools.

  • ToGazer 2.0
HealthCare & Medical
  • HealthCare & Medical products allow the public to easily track physiological data on a regular basis, support paperless data collocation, and provide medical staff with data analysis results to offer patients health advice.

Embedded Boards
Vertical Applications
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